2021-04-08 Testimonial engineerofq

B&B Charcoal testimonial

Contributor: Brent Little | @engineerofq

Posted: April 8, 2021

I grew up around BBQ in North Carolina and married my wife who was from Memphis. In 2013 we moved to Memphis and I started my competition BBQ journey where I was blessed to walk the stage at Memphis in May for my team Pig Diamond’s vinegar sauce. I’ve been hooked on everything BBQ since. One lesson learned is every ingredient counts and has an impact on the flavor / end result on your final product.


Like everyone within BBQ I’ve looked and and experimented with at all kinds of specialty meats, dry rubs, sauces… but would use what charcoal I could easily find…. or the best on the shelf at the grocery store and even for competition. (It’s just the heat source right?)


I moved to Brazil in 2018 with my Sweet Swine o’ Mine RedBox smoker so I could continue my passion for BBQ. When I arrived I had to make my own charcoal chimney from scratch because I hated the use of lighter fluid, found 1 manufactured briquette, and no charcoal chimneys were on the market in Brazil at that time. I used the briquettes but was never happy with the results. Switched to lump… and it got better….. but this past summer 2020 I moved back to Memphis and my RedBox arrived with me. I immediately fired it up with some American charcoal from various brands. I noticed a clear difference when I watch the charcoal chimneys – the B&B constantly gives a blue smoke from my charcoal chimney when it’s burning….  it made me think, “if blue smoke is what I want, why would I start with anything else”. I also started experimenting with the B&B hardwoods and pellets….. soon I realized the B&B difference.  My first ribs using B&B products gave me the best smoke rings I’ve ever produced. Finally, I could create what I have always been striving for thanks to B&B.  I guess you could say I’m a B&B Believer. #bbbeliever


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